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Stop Rise: A Polarity Inverter, What’s It?

07/04/2020 | Uncategorized
STOP RISE is a polarity inverter that requires no work to permanently treat rising damp, moisture problems. It works on the principle of magnets. Approaching 2 magnets in front of each other: they attract each other. On the other hand, by reversing the polarity of one of the 2 magnets ...
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STOP RISE: Moisture treatment: how does it work?

07/04/2020 | Uncategorized
STOP RISE: Moisture treatment: how does it work? There are 3 types of moisture • Rainwater Infiltrations • Condensation • Rising damp Moisture treatment is a very specific job since all the difficulty lies in the possibility of having 1, 2 or 3 moisture problems in the same building. STOP RISE begins with a free ...
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Humidity in Marseille – Free diagnosis : How do I choose the right solution?

08/04/2020 | Uncategorized
The owner of a villa was looking for a solution to his moisture problem in Marseille. Concerned about the preservation of his heritage, he had already undertaken work to solve the problem by installing mechanical ventilation by insufflation VMI®, by having the buried walls drained and sealed. Important and ...
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Moisture diagnosis in Nice : Painting is not the right solution!

08/04/2020 | Uncategorized
Diagnosing humidity in Nice, back on a customer experience. A client contacts us about damp walls in a villa in Nice because no paint fits on its walls. She tried to apply different types of paints, mineral paint, porous micro paint, breathable paint, anti-humidity paint but this does not ...